7 Tips for Working On The Go
As a professional in the travel industry, part of my job is to stay fresh in my skills and knowledgeable in my craft. This means visiting new locations, touring different cities, testing out the latest markets, inspecting hotel properties, connecting with vendors, sampling various transportation companies and methods, and experiencing both the art and business of travel first hand. The more I can personally taste, smell, touch, and hear in the wide world of travel, the more valuable I am to my clients.
My first-hand experience becomes the trusted resource for those who travel after me. Venturing out first ahead of others, testing the waters, discovering what works, eliminating poor options, and bringing back reliable information, tools, and resources to my clients is definitely one of my favorite perks to this adventurous travel profession!
In order to better serve my clients and hone my craft, this year my wife and I are venturing out and experiencing travel first-hand like never before. In the last 9 months alone, we’ve traversed the United States, hitting many of the major cities all the way from Honolulu to New York City. In December, we turned our focus to Europe and spent three weeks journeying from London, across the Mediterranean, and over to Croatia. This year we’re on the road even more, returning to Europe several more times over the next several months. (There’s even a few Caribbean islands thrown in just for fun!)
Thanks to the wonders of technology and self-employment, both of us are able to pack up our jobs and work while on the road. This lifestyle has enlarged our thinking, broadened our horizons, and created a season of adventure that’s thrilling for us both. While experiencing new cultures and learning more about the current issues in our world, we are able to provide non-stop excellent service to our clients. Working from wherever has taken on a whole new meaning for us this year!
Since we’ve had so much first-hand experience working mobile, I wanted to share a few tips from our recent journeys. Whether you’re a corporate executive, self-employed boss, or non-profit team leader, these seven little working-on-the-go secrets will help you enjoy your travels AND work effectively while on the road.
Work Ahead of Time
Over the last several months, we’ve discovered that working ahead of time is one of the best strategies to implementing a seamless work-on-the-go trip. If you know you’ll be traveling and working simultaneously, work ahead as much as you can. This is a great time to make phone calls, communicate with clients, and send out invoices. Knock out any major client proposals, projects, or deadlines before you begin packing. This may mean a few hours overtime during the weeks you’re home, but it will help you eliminate many emergencies or tight deadlines that may arise while you’re traveling.
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Prepare Before and After Lists
Another way to streamline the work-on-the-go method is to prepare before and after lists. By looking ahead at your calendar, you can schedule those heavy-duty work projects and house maintenance chores while at home in between trips. The key to minimizing the stress and maximizing productivity is being organized, planning ahead, and executing discipline.
Rely on Technology and Automation
If you plan on being a frequent traveler, be sure to utilize technology and automate your work projects, communications, finances, and personal responsibilities as much as possible. Set up automated email responses, create digital downloads for clients, sync your devices and software subscriptions, enable mobile or electronic deposits, and set up automated bill paying. These small steps will keep the administrative side of your home and business running smoothly while working on the road.
Be Fully Equipped and Backed Up
There is nothing worse than being far away from your home office and having only 10% left on you cell phone battery. To ensure your profitability from anywhere, pack plenty of extra batteries for your devices and keep them charged at all times. Utilize those few extra minutes at the airport gate or in the coffee shop to charge up your phone, laptop, and battery packs. Whatever you do, don’t be caught miles away from your office with no means of communication. Think smart, plan ahead, and implement a strategy for staying in touch.
Invest in a Mobile Office Carry On
One of the best investments my wife and I made recently was a Delsey spinner carry-on with a front compartment for laptop and tablet and an easy side access compartment for notebooks, shoes, and other necessary items. Whenever we travel, we simply pop in all our mobile office essentials into our carry on bag, and viola! We are ready to work at a moment’s notice. This simple organization tool has been a great asset in keeping us productive while in transit.
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Work Time Differences to Your Advantage
If you’re traveling outside of your current time zone, be sure to plan your work day accordingly. For example, a work-on-the go trip to Europe may mean altering your typical workday to maximize your client communication time. In such cases, be willing to step out and spice things up…see the sights during the day and work at night. This flexibility will enable your work to flow with the new rhythm and pace of your mobile destination.
Maintain Healthy Work/Life Balance and Boundaries
Finally, don’t be too focused on work details that you can’t enjoy your trip, and don’t be too lost in your trip that you can’t focus on work. While this may seem like a paradox, the secret is finding and maintaining a healthy balance and rhythm to your life on the road. Set aside time every day during your trip to work uninterrupted so that you can relax and take in the culture when you’re done.
If you’re committed to organization, preparation, discipline, and flexibility, you can optimize your work productivity while operating from a mobile destination. Enjoy the experience, learn what works for you, and work effectively while on the go!
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